четверг, 14 августа 2008 г.

oss list

They would have to be puttinges behind the bars, since what is really is one wraps glad of the thieves rights. Someone tried in order to act in such a way in the oceans twelve, but l the ocean George Clooney di Danny and its wraps glad is too much fashionable sense for the slammer. The third party turns the fascination for the new package of the rape in the oceans thirteen. In the film, Al Pacino of the Bank of the Willie of the zar dell hotel defrauds one of the eleven originates them, Reuben Elliott Gould from the property of new casino dell hotel to Las Vegas. L the ocean of Danny gathers l entire group, comprised Brad rusted Pitt and Linus Matt Damon, in order to demand the vendetta against eager Willie. Their program is to send in ruin the new casino of Willies on the relative evening of inauguration for the million sum of of $500 picchettando their elaborated theft more like thieves. In order to act in such a way, as complicated Danny and rusted thus explains to a future associate, they must equip all the tables and it blots some to them on the game pavement alter dice used in the new casino infiltrating itself in the factory makes who them in Mexico, sabotano the review of the hotels giving to a specific critic dell hotel the defective experiences in its life, outsmart the computerized system ultra high technology of emergency of the hotels and at last, kinds artificially an earthquake in order to churn the turrets dell hotel. When the cost of interruption of the casino dell hotel of Willies works more advanced to that Danny and the group can deal, forges un improbable association with the nemesi precedence Terry Benedict Andy Garcia. With the great program in the movement, the oceans thirteen accomplices will make what can make sure that on the relative day of opening, casino dell hotel of the Banks of the Willie the new one interrupts. Characterizing a parade of the star of Hollywood of a-list that enjoys their sly characters visibly spiritosi, the oceans thirteen are a caper fascinating and sometimes much funny one on like striking the casino. This is not a determined film character and the relative ones not approximately they romances that twelve have been without succeeding what were all approximately. Thirteen are jazzed on the activity reduction approximately the process and not the end product. It is lucid entertainment, like the surveillance dell real exposure of Vegas and is destined to being enjoyed examining that the thought approximately. George Clooney and Brad Pitt are wonderful making a fool of if same while they observe very dapper in adapted garments. The best part of the oceans thirteen is when Danny transports its answer to the mega-threat of Willies near the conclusion dell exposure, plus a cameo of surprise from Oprah Winfrey that definitively will carry the house down. Moreover to show to the 17 june is a twelfth festival of French film to cinematografo 3 of Cineplex of the Shangri-La, characterizing mixture a lot interesting of French-produced films, indicated for free. The festival june slid with the parody of James Bond of blow has opened the 7, OSS 117. Call 6332227 for the inquiries.

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