понедельник, 1 сентября 2008 г.

palin baby

she is estimated to 1 for 800 births, or 0.12%, even if these statistics are influenced a lot dall age of the mother. The probabilities of a woman under 30 that have a child with Down Syndrome are less than 1 in 1.000 and 17 years have only a 1 in probability 1654. The probabilities increase to 1 in 25 for a woman who of 45 Sarah years is 44. probabilities of a mother who simulates a pregnancy all concealment a pregnancy teenager of the daughters when brace that one with the fact that the trigliceride has lows, the probabilities you obtain still more little one. Even if to these they urge it things to go hmmm, is improbable Sarah is really grandmother of Trigs of the child. Flying from Texas nell Alaska after that its water has been broken off it can show the difficult judgment, however is not a lot in convincing way like test of a concealment. If it were really Bristol that has entered in intense activities while Sarah was in Texas, I would not go for how much in order to say Kos is eating the crow. It observes to me like the person has still written who believes it the history, but does not want other negative publicity. Gradico especially as they have concluded their history with wanting to make to be this a non-issue because and with justice thus, is many other reasons to hate this woman. And for a not excuse that is excited that not only people will transport the questions approximately its competence, but moreover they will wonder l identification that has thrown its daughter under the pure bus. Yeah to right. That photo beginning from 2006 is showing a Ummm collision of the child, does not think thus. Really thoughts that 15 years have proposed in a garment tightened in the profile in an official photo of the condition of the family completely that it visualizes a collision of the child incredulo and idiotic. Obviously, that photo is too much in advance payment so that or its child - 2006! I suggest hard that you modify this place before that the law garment hits.

You do not have null place to rest. However, if Sarah really had that child and has piloted TEN HOURS while in the intense activities with a pregnancy to high risk, that it is still defective than a concealment, because means the shes stupid. This attack to Sarah Palin is only terrible and accosento that the kos they would have to be judged responsible for the spread of these completely lies. It demonstrates hardly as the carbossimetilazioni are to work scared. When a real woman who has demonstrated to its integrity and resistance in the politics succeeds, only resource that make is of belittle and lowering itself. What hypocritical! In the first instance, if the youre that go to write a starter shaft debunking, you must write exactly. Palin was not never former sig.na Alaska - she was a contender. Former era sig.na Wasilla. Moreover, brushed to right over its decision difficult in order to fly of new all Alaska after l entrance in intense activities. This is the woman that we want in the second place to the commando to lead this countryI we want not it that the impertinenti responsibilities with our army are assumed, our economy. Daily KOS is not journalism to align, so as to l identification never does not take it like gospel, but your starter shaft makes little one in order to dissipate the voices. The TRUTH IS THAT Bristol Palin is currently pregnant - you will not see it on some phase or wherever without to hold the child. It verifies the daughters who of MC Cains the blog pass through every photo, is one, behind the scenes to the photo shooting you can see the tummy of Bristols, but in every single one l other image is a lot here they its tummy is covered and not there is problem with that one. the problem is the voices approximately Sarah and the all begun ones because Bristol has been house that hides the child. That one is all that is, confusion and a sure really defective judgment of Sarah in order to hide Bristol and really really defective judgment in order to fly to house after the breach of its water.

Things all really bizzarre to make the concealment pregnancies. What if the negative voice is based on a photo of this quality the history would not have never taken off. For that reason not task that debunks the complete circumstantial case here. I do not know if the youre a parent, but the pregnancy process goes enough in a straight line. Once the line can be short than an other, but when a woman begins to lose the contractions of the liquid amniotic are not far the complete history are that the Palin government demands 22 hours between the liquid release amniotic and the real birth. Initially it says that it has made to delay to go all hospital because it has intentional thus badly to make that speech. Then all the sense to Seattle from TX has been engaged to blocked being in a flight slowly. Then it has decided to attend on its flight of connection to Anchorage. All small people occupied of that crucifying the Palin regolator over the question of its fifth child, been resupplying hardly a campaign of incorrect fuel defamation. Moreover, if you want to exhibit your attitude holier-than-thou because you do not obtain still angrier to Obama, Michelle and their children, for expenses 20 years in a racist church anti-American, thus like the associations with Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, etc These facts are much more relative to the following management, than the possibility of a loving mother who takes the heat in order protect its child and grandson. How much absolutely conveniant that the turns of Bristol Palin on incinto and the relative one announced the day after this voice were scattering from control.

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